21 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba

Temel Sınıf Kütüphanesi - Base Class library | Using System.Windows

Temel Sınıf Kütüphanesi - Base Class library  Using System.Windows

Temel Sınıf Kütüphanesi - Base Class library  Using System.Windows


Public classApplicationEncapsulates a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
Public classAttachedPropertyBrowsableAttributeProvides a base class for .NET Framework attributes that report the use scope of attached properties.
Public classAttachedPropertyBrowsableForChildrenAttributeSpecifies that an attached property has a browsable scope that extends to child elements in the logical tree.
Public classAttachedPropertyBrowsableForTypeAttributeSpecifies that an attached property is browsable only for elements that derive from a specified type.
Public classAttachedPropertyBrowsableWhenAttributePresentAttributeSpecifies that an attached property is only browsable on an element that also has another specific  .NET Framework attribute applied to its class definition.
Public classAutoResizedEventArgsProvides data for the AutoResized event raised by HwndSource.
Public classBaseCompatibilityPreferencesContains properties that specify how an application should behave relative to new WPF features that are in the WindowsBase assembly.
Public classClipboardProvides static methods that facilitate transferring data to and from the system Clipboard.
Public classColorConvertedBitmapExtensionImplements a markup extension that enables ColorConvertedBitmap creation. AColorConvertedBitmap does not have an embedded profile, the profile instead being based on source and destination values.
Public classComponentResourceKeyDefines or references resource keys based on class names in external assemblies, as well as an additional identifier.
Public classConditionRepresents a condition for the MultiTrigger and the MultiDataTrigger, which apply changes to property values based on a set of conditions.
Public classConditionCollectionRepresents a collection of Condition objects.
Public classContentElementProvides a WPF core-level base class for content elements. Content elements are designed for flow-style presentation, using an intuitive markup-oriented layout model and a deliberately simple object model.
Public classContentOperationsProvides static utility methods for getting or setting the position of a ContentElement in an element tree.
Public classCoreCompatibilityPreferencesContains properties that specify how an application should behave relative to WPF features that are in the PresentationCore assembly.
Public classCornerRadiusConverterConverts instances of other types to and from a CornerRadius.
Public classCultureInfoIetfLanguageTagConverterConverts instances of CultureInfo to and from other data types.
Public classDataFormatRepresents a data format by using a format name and numeric ID.
Public classDataFormatsProvides a set of predefined data format names that can be used to identify data formats available in the clipboard or drag-and-drop operations.
Public classDataObjectProvides a basic implementation of the IDataObject interface, which defines a format-independent mechanism for transferring data.
Public classDataObjectCopyingEventArgsArguments for the DataObject.Copying event.
Public classDataObjectEventArgsProvides an abstract base class for events associated with the DataObject class.
Public classDataObjectPastingEventArgsContains arguments for the DataObject.Pasting event.
Public classDataObjectSettingDataEventArgsContains arguments for the DataObject.SettingData event.
Public classDataTemplateDescribes the visual structure of a data object.
Public classDataTemplateKeyRepresents the resource key for the DataTemplate class.
Public classDataTriggerRepresents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions when the bound data meets a specified condition.
Public classDeferrableContentRepresents deferrable content that is held within BAML as a stream.
Public classDeferrableContentConverterConverts a stream to a DeferrableContent instance.
Public classDependencyObjectRepresents an object that participates in the dependency property system.
Public classDependencyObjectTypeImplements an underlying type cache for all DependencyObject derived types.
Public classDependencyPropertyRepresents a property that can be set through methods such as, styling, data binding, animation, and inheritance.
Public classDependencyPropertyHelperProvides a single helper method (GetValueSource) that reports the property system source for the effective value of a dependency property.
Public classDependencyPropertyKeyProvides a dependency property identifier for limited write access to a read-only dependency property.
Public classDialogResultConverterConverts the DialogResult property, which is a Nullable(Of T) value of type Boolean, to and from other types.
Public classDragDropProvides helper methods and fields for initiating drag-and-drop operations, including a method to begin a drag-and-drop operation, and facilities for adding and removing drag-and-drop related event handlers.
Public classDragEventArgsContains arguments relevant to all drag-and-drop events (DragEnterDragLeaveDragOver, and Drop).
Public classDurationConverterConverts instances of Duration to and from other type representations.
Public classDynamicResourceExtensionImplements a markup extension that supports dynamic resource references made from XAML.
Public classDynamicResourceExtensionConverterConverts from parsed XAML to DynamicResourceExtension and supports dynamic resource references made from XAML.
Public classEventManagerProvides event-related utility methods that register routed events for class owners and add class handlers.
Public classEventPrivateKeyProvides unique identification for events whose handlers are stored into an internal hashtable.
Public classEventRouteRepresents the container for the route to be followed by a routed event.
Public classEventSetterRepresents an event setter in a style. Event setters invoke the specified event handlers in response to events.
Public classEventTriggerRepresents a trigger that applies a set of actions in response to an event.
Public classExceptionRoutedEventArgsProvides data for the Image and MediaElement failed events.
Public classExitEventArgsEvent arguments for the Exit event.
Public classExpressionThis type supports the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public classExpressionConverterInfrastructure. Converts instances of Expression to and from other types.
Public classFigureLengthConverterConverts instances of other types to and from a FigureLength.
Public classFontSizeConverterConverts font size values to and from other type representations.
Public classFontStretchConverterConverts instances of FontStretch to and from other type representations.
Public classFontStretchesProvides a set of static predefined FontStretch values.
Public classFontStyleConverterConverts instances of FontStyle to and from other data types.
Public classFontStylesProvides a set of static predefined FontStyle values.
Public classFontWeightConverterConverts instances of FontWeight to and from other data types.
Public classFontWeightsProvides a set of static predefined FontWeight values.
Public classFrameworkCompatibilityPreferencesContains properties that specify how an application should behave relative to WPF features that are in the PresentationFramework assembly.
Public classFrameworkContentElementFrameworkContentElement is the WPF framework-level implementation and expansion of theContentElement base class. FrameworkContentElement adds support for additional input APIs (including tooltips and context menus), storyboards, data context for data binding, styles support, and logical tree helper APIs.
Public classFrameworkElementProvides a WPF framework-level set of properties, events, and methods for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements. This class represents the provided WPF framework-level implementation that is built on the WPF core-level APIs that are defined by UIElement.
Public classFrameworkElementFactorySupports the creation of templates.
Public classFrameworkPropertyMetadataReports or applies metadata for a dependency property, specifically adding framework-specific property system characteristics.
Public classFrameworkTemplateEnables the instantiation of a tree of FrameworkElement and/or FrameworkContentElementobjects.
Public classFreezableDefines an object that has a modifiable state and a read-only (frozen) state. Classes that derive from Freezable provide detailed change notification, can be made immutable, and can clone themselves.
Public classFreezableCollection(Of T)Represents a collection of DependencyObjectFreezable, or Animatable objects.FreezableCollection(Of T) is itself an Animatable type.
Public classGiveFeedbackEventArgsContains arguments for the GiveFeedback event.
Public classGridLengthConverterConverts instances of other types to and from GridLength instances.
Public classHierarchicalDataTemplateRepresents a DataTemplate that supports HeaderedItemsControl, such as TreeViewItem orMenuItem.
Public classInt32RectConverterConverts instances of other types to and from an Int32Rect.
Public classKeySplineConverterConverts instances of other types to and from a KeySpline.
Public classKeyTimeConverterConverts instances of KeyTime to and from other types.
Public classLengthConverterConverts instances of other types to and from instances of a Double that represent an object's length.
Public classLocalizabilityAttributeSpecifies the localization attributes for a binary XAML (BAML) class or class member.
Public classLocalizationThe Localization class defines attached properties for localization attributes and comments.
Public classLogicalTreeHelperProvides static helper methods for querying objects in the logical tree.
Public classLostFocusEventManagerProvides a WeakEventManager implementation so that you can use the "weak event listener" pattern to attach listeners for the UIElement.LostFocus or ContentElement.LostFocus events.
Public classMediaScriptCommandRoutedEventArgsProvides data for the MediaElement.ScriptCommand and MediaPlayer.ScriptCommand events.
Public classMessageBoxDisplays a message box.
Public classMultiDataTriggerRepresents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions when the bound data meet a set of conditions.
Public classMultiTriggerRepresents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions when a set of conditions are satisfied.
Public classNameScopeImplements base WPF support for the INameScope methods that store or retrieve name-object mappings into a particular XAML namescope. Adds attached property support to make it simpler to get or set XAML namescope names dynamically at the element level..
Public classNullableBoolConverterConverts to and from the Nullable(Of T) type (using the Boolean type constraint on the generic).
Public classPointConverterConverts instances of other types to and from a Point.
Public classPresentationSourceProvides an abstract base for classes that present content from another technology as part of an interoperation scenario. In addition, this class provides static methods for working with these sources, as well as the basic visual-layer presentation architecture.
Public classPropertyMetadataDefines certain behavior aspects of a dependency property as it is applied to a specific type, including conditions it was registered with.
Public classPropertyPathImplements a data structure for describing a property as a path below another property, or below an owning type. Property paths are used in data binding to objects, and in storyboards and timelines for animations.
Public classPropertyPathConverterProvides a type converter for PropertyPath objects.
Public classQueryContinueDragEventArgsContains arguments for the QueryContinueDrag event.
Public classRectConverterConverts instances of other types to and from instances of Rect.
Public classRequestBringIntoViewEventArgsProvides data for the FrameworkElement.RequestBringIntoView routed event.
Public classResourceDictionaryProvides a hash table / dictionary implementation that contains WPF resources used by components and other elements of a WPF application. 
Public classResourceKeyProvides an abstract base class for various resource keys.
Public classResourceReferenceKeyNotFoundExceptionThe exception that is thrown when a resource reference key cannot be found during parsing or serialization of markup extension resources.
Public classRoutedEventRepresents and identifies a routed event and declares its characteristics.
Public classRoutedEventArgsContains state information and event data associated with a routed event.
Public classRoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(Of T)Provides data about a change in value to a dependency property as reported by particular routed events, including the previous and current value of the property that changed.
Public classSessionEndingCancelEventArgsContains the event arguments for the SessionEnding event.
Public classSetterRepresents a setter that applies a property value.
Public classSetterBaseRepresents the base class for value setters.
Public classSetterBaseCollectionRepresents a collection of SetterBase objects.
Public classSizeChangedEventArgsProvides data related to the SizeChanged event.
Public classSizeChangedInfoReport the specifics of a value change involving a Size. This is used as a parameter inOnRenderSizeChanged overrides.
Public classSizeConverterConverts instances of other types to and from instances of the Size class.
Public classSourceChangedEventArgsProvides data for the SourceChanged event, used for interoperation. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classSplashScreenProvides a startup screen for a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
Public classStartupEventArgsContains the arguments for the Startup event.
Public classStaticResourceExtensionImplements a markup extension that supports static (XAML load time) resource references made from XAML.
Public classStrokeCollectionConverterConverts a StrokeCollection to a string.
Public classStyleEnables the sharing of properties, resources, and event handlers between instances of a type.
Public classStyleTypedPropertyAttributeRepresents an attribute that is applied to the class definition and determines the TargetTypes of the properties that are of type Style.
Public classSystemColorsContains system colors, system brushes, and system resource keys that correspond to system display elements.
Public classSystemCommandsDefines routed commands that are common to window management.
Public classSystemFontsContains properties that expose the system resources that concern fonts.
Public classSystemParametersContains properties that you can use to query system settings.
Public classTemplateBindingExpressionDescribes a run-time instance of a TemplateBindingExtension.
Public classTemplateBindingExpressionConverterA type converter that is used to construct a markup extension from aTemplateBindingExpression instance during serialization.
Public classTemplateBindingExtensionImplements a markup extension that supports the binding between the value of a property in a template and the value of some other exposed property on the templated control.
Public classTemplateBindingExtensionConverterA type converter that is used to construct a TemplateBindingExtension from an instance during serialization.
Public classTemplateContentImplements the record and playback logic that templates use for deferring content when they interact with XAML readers and writers.
Public classTemplateContentLoaderImplements XamlDeferringLoader in order to defer loading of the XAML content that is defined for a template in WPF XAML.
Public classTemplateKeyWhen used as a resource key for a data template, allows the data template to participate in the lookup process.
Public classTemplatePartAttributeRepresents an attribute that is applied to the class definition to identify the types of the named parts that are used for templating.
Public classTemplateVisualStateAttributeSpecifies that a control can be in a certain state and that a VisualState is expected in the control's ControlTemplate.
Public classTextDecorationRepresents a text decoration, which a visual ornamentation that is added to text (such as an underline).
Public classTextDecorationCollectionRepresents a collection of TextDecoration instances.
Public classTextDecorationCollectionConverterConverts instances of TextDecorationCollection from other data types.
Public classTextDecorationsProvides a set of static predefined text decorations.
Public classThemeDictionaryExtensionImplements a markup extension that enables application authors to customize control styles based on the current system theme.
Public classThemeInfoAttributeSpecifies the location in which theme dictionaries are stored for an assembly.
Public classThicknessConverterConverts instances of other types to and from instances of Thickness.
Public classTriggerRepresents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions conditionally.
Public classTriggerActionDescribes an action to perform for a trigger.
Public classTriggerActionCollectionRepresents a collection of TriggerAction objects.
Public classTriggerBaseRepresents the base class for specifying a conditional value within a Style object.
Public classTriggerCollectionRepresents a collection of TriggerBase objects.
Public classUIElementUIElement is a base class for WPF core level implementations building on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements and basic presentation characteristics.
Public classUIElement3DUIElement3D is a base class for WPF core level implementations building on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements and basic presentation characteristics.
Public classUIPropertyMetadataProvides property metadata for non-framework properties that do have rendering/user interface impact at the core level.
Public classVectorConverterConverts instances of other types to and from a Vector.
Public classVisualStateRepresents the visual appearance of the control when it is in a specific state.
Public classVisualStateChangedEventArgsProvides data for the CurrentStateChanging and CurrentStateChanged events.
Public classVisualStateGroupContains mutually exclusive VisualState objects and VisualTransition objects that are used to move from one state to another.
Public classVisualStateManagerManages states and the logic for transitioning between states for controls.
Public classVisualTransitionRepresents the visual behavior that occurs when a control transitions from one state to another.
Public classWeakEventManagerProvides a base class for the event manager that is used in the weak event pattern. The manager adds and removes listeners for events (or callbacks) that also use the pattern.
Protected classWeakEventManager.ListenerListProvides a built-in collection list for storing listeners for a WeakEventManager.
Protected classWeakEventManager.ListenerList(Of TEventArgs)Provides a type-safe collection list for storing listeners for a WeakEventManager. This class defines a type parameter for the event data that is used.
Public classWeakEventManager(Of TEventSource, TEventArgs)Provides a type-safe WeakEventManager that enables you to specify the event handler to use for the "weak event listener" pattern. This class defines a type parameter for the source of the event and a type parameter for the event data that is used.
Public classWindowProvides the ability to create, configure, show, and manage the lifetime of windows and dialog boxes.
Public classWindowCollectionRepresents a collection of Window objects. This class cannot be inherited.


Public structureCornerRadiusRepresents the radii of a rectangle's corners.
Public structureDependencyPropertyChangedEventArgsProvides data for various property changed events. Typically these events report effective value changes in the value of a read-only dependency property. Another usage is as part of a PropertyChangedCallbackimplementation.
Public structureDurationRepresents the duration of time that a Timeline is active.
Public structureFigureLengthDescribes the height or width of a Figure.
Public structureFontStretchDescribes the degree to which a font has been stretched compared to the normal aspect ratio of that font.
Public structureFontStyleDefines a structure that represents the style of a font face as normal, italic, or oblique.
Public structureFontWeightRefers to the density of a typeface, in terms of the lightness or heaviness of the strokes.
Public structureFreezableCollection(Of T).EnumeratorEnumerates the members of a FreezableCollection(Of T).
Public structureGridLengthRepresents the length of elements that explicitly support Star unit types.
Public structureInt32RectDescribes the width, height, and location of an integer rectangle.
Public structureLocalValueEntryRepresents a property identifier and the property value for a locally set dependency property.
Public structureLocalValueEnumeratorProvides enumeration support for the local values of any dependency properties that exist on aDependencyObject.
Public structurePointRepresents an x- and y-coordinate pair in two-dimensional space.
Public structureRectDescribes the width, height, and location of a rectangle.
Public structureRoutedEventHandlerInfoInfrastructure. Provides special handling information to inform event listeners whether specific handlers should be invoked.
Public structureSizeImplements a structure that is used to describe the Size of an object.
Public structureTextDecorationCollection.EnumeratorEnumerates TextDecoration items in a TextDecoration.
Public structureThicknessDescribes the thickness of a frame around a rectangle. Four Double values describe the LeftTopRight, andBottom sides of the rectangle, respectively.
Public structureValueSourceReports the information returned from DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource.
Public structureVectorRepresents a displacement in 2-D space.


Public interfaceIContentHostThis interface is implemented by layouts which host ContentElement.
Public interfaceIDataObjectProvides a format-independent mechanism for transferring data.
Public interfaceIFrameworkInputElementDeclares a namescope contract for framework elements.
Public interfaceIInputElementEstablishes the common events and also the event-related properties and methods for basic input processing by Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements.
Public interfaceIWeakEventListenerProvides event listening support for classes that expect to receive events through the WeakEvent pattern and aWeakEventManager.


Public delegateAutoResizedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle the AutoResized event raised by HwndSource.
Public delegateCoerceValueCallbackProvides a template for a method that is called whenever a dependency property value is being re-evaluated, or coercion is specifically requested.
Public delegateDataObjectCopyingEventHandlerRepresents a method that will handle the DataObject.Copying attached event.
Public delegateDataObjectPastingEventHandlerRepresents a method that will handle the DataObject.Pasting attached event.
Public delegateDataObjectSettingDataEventHandlerRepresents a method that will handle the DataObject.SettingData attached event.
Public delegateDependencyPropertyChangedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle events raised when a DependencyProperty is changed on a particularDependencyObject implementation.
Public delegateDragEventHandlerRepresents a method that will handle drag-and-drop routed events, for example UIElement.DragEnter.
Public delegateExitEventHandlerRepresents the method that handles the Exit event.
Public delegateGiveFeedbackEventHandlerRepresents a method that will handle the feedback routed event from in-process drag-and-drop operations, for instance UIElement.GiveFeedback.
Public delegatePropertyChangedCallbackRepresents the callback that is invoked when the effective property value of a dependency property changes.
Public delegateQueryContinueDragEventHandlerRepresents a method that will handle the routed events that enables a drag-and-drop operation to be canceled by the drag source, for example UIElement.QueryContinueDrag.
Public delegateRequestBringIntoViewEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle the FrameworkElement.RequestBringIntoView routed event.
Public delegateRoutedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle various routed events that do not have specific event data beyond the data that is common for all routed events.
Public delegateRoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler(OfT)Represents methods that will handle various routed events that track property value changes.
Public delegateSessionEndingCancelEventHandlerRepresents the method that handles the SessionEnding event.
Public delegateSizeChangedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle the FrameworkElement.SizeChanged routed event.
Public delegateSourceChangedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle the "SourceChanged" event on specific listener elements.
Public delegateStartupEventHandlerRepresents the method that handles the Startup event.
Public delegateValidateValueCallbackRepresents a method used as a callback that validates the effective value of a dependency property.


Public enumerationBaselineAlignmentDescribes how the baseline for a text-based element is positioned on the vertical axis, relative to the established baseline for text.
Public enumerationBaseValueSourceIdentifies the property system source of a particular dependency property value.
Public enumerationColumnSpaceDistributionDescribes how to distribute space in columnated flow content.
Public enumerationDragActionSpecifies how and if a drag-and-drop operation should continue.
Public enumerationDragDropEffectsSpecifies the effects of a drag-and-drop operation.
Public enumerationDragDropKeyStatesSpecifies the current state of the modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT), as well as the state of the mouse buttons.
Public enumerationFigureHorizontalAnchorDescribes a position reference for a figure in a horizontal direction.
Public enumerationFigureUnitTypeDescribes the unit type associated with the width or height of a FigureLength.
Public enumerationFigureVerticalAnchorDescribes the point of reference of a figure in the vertical direction.
Public enumerationFlowDirectionDefines constants that specify the content flow direction for text and user interface (UI) elements. 
Public enumerationFontCapitalsDescribes the capital letter style for a Typography object.
Public enumerationFontEastAsianLanguageProvides a mechanism for the user to select font-specific versions of glyphs for a specified East Asian writing system or language.
Public enumerationFontEastAsianWidthsProvides a mechanism for the user to select glyphs of different width styles.
Public enumerationFontFractionDescribes the fraction style for a Typography object.
Public enumerationFontNumeralAlignmentDescribes the numeral alignment for a Typography object.
Public enumerationFontNumeralStyleDescribes the numeral style for a Typography object.
Public enumerationFontVariantsRenders variant typographic glyph forms.
Public enumerationFrameworkPropertyMetadataOptionsSpecifies the types of framework-level property behavior that pertain to a particular dependency property in the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) property system.
Public enumerationGridUnitTypeDescribes the kind of value that a GridLength object is holding.
Public enumerationHorizontalAlignmentIndicates where an element should be displayed on the horizontal axis relative to the allocated layout slot of the parent element.
Public enumerationInheritanceBehaviorIndicates the current mode of lookup for both property value inheritance, a resource lookup, and a RelativeSource FindAncestor lookup.
Public enumerationLineBreakConditionDescribes the breaking condition around an inline object.
Public enumerationLineStackingStrategyDescribes a mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line.
Public enumerationLocalizationCategorySpecifies the category value of a LocalizabilityAttribute for a binary XAML (BAML) class or class member.
Public enumerationMessageBoxButtonSpecifies the buttons that are displayed on a message box. Used as an argument of the Show method.
Public enumerationMessageBoxImageSpecifies the icon that is displayed by a message box.
Public enumerationMessageBoxOptionsSpecifies special display options for a message box.
Public enumerationMessageBoxResultSpecifies which message box button that a user clicks. MessageBoxResult is returned by the Show method.
Public enumerationModifiabilitySpecifies the modifiability value of a LocalizabilityAttribute for a binary XAML (BAML) class or class member.
Public enumerationPowerLineStatusIndicates whether the system power is online, or that the system power status is unknown.
Public enumerationReadabilitySpecifies the readability value of a LocalizabilityAttribute for a binary XAML (BAML) class or class member.
Public enumerationReasonSessionEndingSpecifies the reason for which the user's session is ending. Used by the ReasonSessionEnding property.
Public enumerationResizeModeSpecifies whether a window can be resized and, if so, how it can be resized. Used by the ResizeMode property.
Public enumerationResourceDictionaryLocationSpecifies the locations where theme resource dictionaries are located.
Public enumerationRoutingStrategyIndicates the routing strategy of a routed event.
Public enumerationShutdownModeSpecifies how an application will shutdown. Used by the ShutdownMode property.
Public enumerationSizeToContentSpecifies how a window will automatically size itself to fit the size of its content. Used by the Window.SizeToContentproperty.
Protected enumerationTemplateKey.TemplateTypeDescribes the different types of templates that use TemplateKey.
Public enumerationTextAlignmentSpecifies whether the text in the object is left-aligned, right-aligned, centered, or justified.
Public enumerationTextDataFormatSpecifies the data format of the text data.
Public enumerationTextDecorationLocationSpecifies the vertical position of a TextDecoration object.
Public enumerationTextDecorationUnitSpecifies the unit type of either a TextDecoration PenOffset or a Pen thickness value.
Public enumerationTextMarkerStyleDescribes the appearance of a list item's bullet style.
Public enumerationTextTrimmingDescribes how text is trimmed when it overflows the edge of its containing box.
Public enumerationTextWrappingSpecifies whether text wraps when it reaches the edge of the containing box
Public enumerationVerticalAlignmentDescribes how a child element is vertically positioned or stretched within a parent's layout slot.
Public enumerationVisibilitySpecifies the display state of an element.
Public enumerationWindowStartupLocationSpecifies the position that a Window will be shown in when it is first opened. Used by theWindow.WindowStartupLocation property.
Public enumerationWindowStateSpecifies whether a window is minimized, maximized, or restored. Used by the WindowState property.
Public enumerationWindowStyleSpecifies the type of border that a Window has. Used by the WindowStyle property.
Public enumerationWrapDirectionSpecifies the allowable directions that content can wrap around an object.

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