| Class | Description |
| Application | Encapsulates a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. |
| AttachedPropertyBrowsableAttribute | Provides a base class for .NET Framework attributes that report the use scope of attached properties. |
| AttachedPropertyBrowsableForChildrenAttribute | Specifies that an attached property has a browsable scope that extends to child elements in the logical tree. |
| AttachedPropertyBrowsableForTypeAttribute | Specifies that an attached property is browsable only for elements that derive from a specified type. |
| AttachedPropertyBrowsableWhenAttributePresentAttribute | Specifies that an attached property is only browsable on an element that also has another specific .NET Framework attribute applied to its class definition. |
| AutoResizedEventArgs | Provides data for the AutoResized event raised by HwndSource. |
| BaseCompatibilityPreferences | Contains properties that specify how an application should behave relative to new WPF features that are in the WindowsBase assembly. |
| Clipboard | Provides static methods that facilitate transferring data to and from the system Clipboard. |
| ColorConvertedBitmapExtension | Implements a markup extension that enables ColorConvertedBitmap creation. AColorConvertedBitmap does not have an embedded profile, the profile instead being based on source and destination values. |
| ComponentResourceKey | Defines or references resource keys based on class names in external assemblies, as well as an additional identifier. |
| Condition | Represents a condition for the MultiTrigger and the MultiDataTrigger, which apply changes to property values based on a set of conditions. |
| ConditionCollection | Represents a collection of Condition objects. |
| ContentElement | Provides a WPF core-level base class for content elements. Content elements are designed for flow-style presentation, using an intuitive markup-oriented layout model and a deliberately simple object model. |
| ContentOperations | Provides static utility methods for getting or setting the position of a ContentElement in an element tree. |
| CoreCompatibilityPreferences | Contains properties that specify how an application should behave relative to WPF features that are in the PresentationCore assembly. |
| CornerRadiusConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from a CornerRadius. |
| CultureInfoIetfLanguageTagConverter | Converts instances of CultureInfo to and from other data types. |
| DataFormat | Represents a data format by using a format name and numeric ID. |
| DataFormats | Provides a set of predefined data format names that can be used to identify data formats available in the clipboard or drag-and-drop operations. |
| DataObject | Provides a basic implementation of the IDataObject interface, which defines a format-independent mechanism for transferring data. |
| DataObjectCopyingEventArgs | Arguments for the DataObject.Copying event. |
| DataObjectEventArgs | Provides an abstract base class for events associated with the DataObject class. |
| DataObjectPastingEventArgs | Contains arguments for the DataObject.Pasting event. |
| DataObjectSettingDataEventArgs | Contains arguments for the DataObject.SettingData event. |
| DataTemplate | Describes the visual structure of a data object. |
| DataTemplateKey | Represents the resource key for the DataTemplate class. |
| DataTrigger | Represents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions when the bound data meets a specified condition. |
| DeferrableContent | Represents deferrable content that is held within BAML as a stream. |
| DeferrableContentConverter | Converts a stream to a DeferrableContent instance. |
| DependencyObject | Represents an object that participates in the dependency property system. |
| DependencyObjectType | Implements an underlying type cache for all DependencyObject derived types. |
| DependencyProperty | Represents a property that can be set through methods such as, styling, data binding, animation, and inheritance. |
| DependencyPropertyHelper | Provides a single helper method (GetValueSource) that reports the property system source for the effective value of a dependency property. |
| DependencyPropertyKey | Provides a dependency property identifier for limited write access to a read-only dependency property. |
| DialogResultConverter | Converts the DialogResult property, which is a Nullable(Of T) value of type Boolean, to and from other types. |
| DragDrop | Provides helper methods and fields for initiating drag-and-drop operations, including a method to begin a drag-and-drop operation, and facilities for adding and removing drag-and-drop related event handlers. |
| DragEventArgs | Contains arguments relevant to all drag-and-drop events (DragEnter, DragLeave, DragOver, and Drop). |
| DurationConverter | Converts instances of Duration to and from other type representations. |
| DynamicResourceExtension | Implements a markup extension that supports dynamic resource references made from XAML. |
| DynamicResourceExtensionConverter | Converts from parsed XAML to DynamicResourceExtension and supports dynamic resource references made from XAML. |
| EventManager | Provides event-related utility methods that register routed events for class owners and add class handlers. |
| EventPrivateKey | Provides unique identification for events whose handlers are stored into an internal hashtable. |
| EventRoute | Represents the container for the route to be followed by a routed event. |
| EventSetter | Represents an event setter in a style. Event setters invoke the specified event handlers in response to events. |
| EventTrigger | Represents a trigger that applies a set of actions in response to an event. |
| ExceptionRoutedEventArgs | Provides data for the Image and MediaElement failed events. |
| ExitEventArgs | Event arguments for the Exit event. |
| Expression | This type supports the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
| ExpressionConverter | Infrastructure. Converts instances of Expression to and from other types. |
| FigureLengthConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from a FigureLength. |
| FontSizeConverter | Converts font size values to and from other type representations. |
| FontStretchConverter | Converts instances of FontStretch to and from other type representations. |
| FontStretches | Provides a set of static predefined FontStretch values. |
| FontStyleConverter | Converts instances of FontStyle to and from other data types. |
| FontStyles | Provides a set of static predefined FontStyle values. |
| FontWeightConverter | Converts instances of FontWeight to and from other data types. |
| FontWeights | Provides a set of static predefined FontWeight values. |
| FrameworkCompatibilityPreferences | Contains properties that specify how an application should behave relative to WPF features that are in the PresentationFramework assembly. |
| FrameworkContentElement | FrameworkContentElement is the WPF framework-level implementation and expansion of theContentElement base class. FrameworkContentElement adds support for additional input APIs (including tooltips and context menus), storyboards, data context for data binding, styles support, and logical tree helper APIs. |
| FrameworkElement | Provides a WPF framework-level set of properties, events, and methods for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements. This class represents the provided WPF framework-level implementation that is built on the WPF core-level APIs that are defined by UIElement. |
| FrameworkElementFactory | Supports the creation of templates. |
| FrameworkPropertyMetadata | Reports or applies metadata for a dependency property, specifically adding framework-specific property system characteristics. |
| FrameworkTemplate | Enables the instantiation of a tree of FrameworkElement and/or FrameworkContentElementobjects. |
| Freezable | Defines an object that has a modifiable state and a read-only (frozen) state. Classes that derive from Freezable provide detailed change notification, can be made immutable, and can clone themselves. |
| FreezableCollection(Of T) | Represents a collection of DependencyObject, Freezable, or Animatable objects.FreezableCollection(Of T) is itself an Animatable type. |
| GiveFeedbackEventArgs | Contains arguments for the GiveFeedback event. |
| GridLengthConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from GridLength instances. |
| HierarchicalDataTemplate | Represents a DataTemplate that supports HeaderedItemsControl, such as TreeViewItem orMenuItem. |
| Int32RectConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from an Int32Rect. |
| KeySplineConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from a KeySpline. |
| KeyTimeConverter | Converts instances of KeyTime to and from other types. |
| LengthConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from instances of a Double that represent an object's length. |
| LocalizabilityAttribute | Specifies the localization attributes for a binary XAML (BAML) class or class member. |
| Localization | The Localization class defines attached properties for localization attributes and comments. |
| LogicalTreeHelper | Provides static helper methods for querying objects in the logical tree. |
| LostFocusEventManager | Provides a WeakEventManager implementation so that you can use the "weak event listener" pattern to attach listeners for the UIElement.LostFocus or ContentElement.LostFocus events. |
| MediaScriptCommandRoutedEventArgs | Provides data for the MediaElement.ScriptCommand and MediaPlayer.ScriptCommand events. |
| MessageBox | Displays a message box. |
| MultiDataTrigger | Represents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions when the bound data meet a set of conditions. |
| MultiTrigger | Represents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions when a set of conditions are satisfied. |
| NameScope | Implements base WPF support for the INameScope methods that store or retrieve name-object mappings into a particular XAML namescope. Adds attached property support to make it simpler to get or set XAML namescope names dynamically at the element level.. |
| NullableBoolConverter | Converts to and from the Nullable(Of T) type (using the Boolean type constraint on the generic). |
| PointConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from a Point. |
| PresentationSource | Provides an abstract base for classes that present content from another technology as part of an interoperation scenario. In addition, this class provides static methods for working with these sources, as well as the basic visual-layer presentation architecture. |
| PropertyMetadata | Defines certain behavior aspects of a dependency property as it is applied to a specific type, including conditions it was registered with. |
| PropertyPath | Implements a data structure for describing a property as a path below another property, or below an owning type. Property paths are used in data binding to objects, and in storyboards and timelines for animations. |
| PropertyPathConverter | Provides a type converter for PropertyPath objects. |
| QueryContinueDragEventArgs | Contains arguments for the QueryContinueDrag event. |
| RectConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from instances of Rect. |
| RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs | Provides data for the FrameworkElement.RequestBringIntoView routed event. |
| ResourceDictionary | Provides a hash table / dictionary implementation that contains WPF resources used by components and other elements of a WPF application. |
| ResourceKey | Provides an abstract base class for various resource keys. |
| ResourceReferenceKeyNotFoundException | The exception that is thrown when a resource reference key cannot be found during parsing or serialization of markup extension resources. |
| RoutedEvent | Represents and identifies a routed event and declares its characteristics. |
| RoutedEventArgs | Contains state information and event data associated with a routed event. |
| RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(Of T) | Provides data about a change in value to a dependency property as reported by particular routed events, including the previous and current value of the property that changed. |
| SessionEndingCancelEventArgs | Contains the event arguments for the SessionEnding event. |
| Setter | Represents a setter that applies a property value. |
| SetterBase | Represents the base class for value setters. |
| SetterBaseCollection | Represents a collection of SetterBase objects. |
| SizeChangedEventArgs | Provides data related to the SizeChanged event. |
| SizeChangedInfo | Report the specifics of a value change involving a Size. This is used as a parameter inOnRenderSizeChanged overrides. |
| SizeConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from instances of the Size class. |
| SourceChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SourceChanged event, used for interoperation. This class cannot be inherited. |
| SplashScreen | Provides a startup screen for a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. |
| StartupEventArgs | Contains the arguments for the Startup event. |
| StaticResourceExtension | Implements a markup extension that supports static (XAML load time) resource references made from XAML. |
| StrokeCollectionConverter | Converts a StrokeCollection to a string. |
| Style | Enables the sharing of properties, resources, and event handlers between instances of a type. |
| StyleTypedPropertyAttribute | Represents an attribute that is applied to the class definition and determines the TargetTypes of the properties that are of type Style. |
| SystemColors | Contains system colors, system brushes, and system resource keys that correspond to system display elements. |
| SystemCommands | Defines routed commands that are common to window management. |
| SystemFonts | Contains properties that expose the system resources that concern fonts. |
| SystemParameters | Contains properties that you can use to query system settings. |
| TemplateBindingExpression | Describes a run-time instance of a TemplateBindingExtension. |
| TemplateBindingExpressionConverter | A type converter that is used to construct a markup extension from aTemplateBindingExpression instance during serialization. |
| TemplateBindingExtension | Implements a markup extension that supports the binding between the value of a property in a template and the value of some other exposed property on the templated control. |
| TemplateBindingExtensionConverter | A type converter that is used to construct a TemplateBindingExtension from an instance during serialization. |
| TemplateContent | Implements the record and playback logic that templates use for deferring content when they interact with XAML readers and writers. |
| TemplateContentLoader | Implements XamlDeferringLoader in order to defer loading of the XAML content that is defined for a template in WPF XAML. |
| TemplateKey | When used as a resource key for a data template, allows the data template to participate in the lookup process. |
| TemplatePartAttribute | Represents an attribute that is applied to the class definition to identify the types of the named parts that are used for templating. |
| TemplateVisualStateAttribute | Specifies that a control can be in a certain state and that a VisualState is expected in the control's ControlTemplate. |
| TextDecoration | Represents a text decoration, which a visual ornamentation that is added to text (such as an underline). |
| TextDecorationCollection | Represents a collection of TextDecoration instances. |
| TextDecorationCollectionConverter | Converts instances of TextDecorationCollection from other data types. |
| TextDecorations | Provides a set of static predefined text decorations. |
| ThemeDictionaryExtension | Implements a markup extension that enables application authors to customize control styles based on the current system theme. |
| ThemeInfoAttribute | Specifies the location in which theme dictionaries are stored for an assembly. |
| ThicknessConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from instances of Thickness. |
| Trigger | Represents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions conditionally. |
| TriggerAction | Describes an action to perform for a trigger. |
| TriggerActionCollection | Represents a collection of TriggerAction objects. |
| TriggerBase | Represents the base class for specifying a conditional value within a Style object. |
| TriggerCollection | Represents a collection of TriggerBase objects. |
| UIElement | UIElement is a base class for WPF core level implementations building on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements and basic presentation characteristics. |
| UIElement3D | UIElement3D is a base class for WPF core level implementations building on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements and basic presentation characteristics. |
| UIPropertyMetadata | Provides property metadata for non-framework properties that do have rendering/user interface impact at the core level. |
| VectorConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from a Vector. |
| VisualState | Represents the visual appearance of the control when it is in a specific state. |
| VisualStateChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the CurrentStateChanging and CurrentStateChanged events. |
| VisualStateGroup | Contains mutually exclusive VisualState objects and VisualTransition objects that are used to move from one state to another. |
| VisualStateManager | Manages states and the logic for transitioning between states for controls. |
| VisualTransition | Represents the visual behavior that occurs when a control transitions from one state to another. |
| WeakEventManager | Provides a base class for the event manager that is used in the weak event pattern. The manager adds and removes listeners for events (or callbacks) that also use the pattern. |
| WeakEventManager.ListenerList | Provides a built-in collection list for storing listeners for a WeakEventManager. |
| WeakEventManager.ListenerList(Of TEventArgs) | Provides a type-safe collection list for storing listeners for a WeakEventManager. This class defines a type parameter for the event data that is used. |
| WeakEventManager(Of TEventSource, TEventArgs) | Provides a type-safe WeakEventManager that enables you to specify the event handler to use for the "weak event listener" pattern. This class defines a type parameter for the source of the event and a type parameter for the event data that is used. |
| Window | Provides the ability to create, configure, show, and manage the lifetime of windows and dialog boxes. |
| WindowCollection | Represents a collection of Window objects. This class cannot be inherited. |
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